“Later,” Malone said.
The cab dropped them in front of Rickett’s. At the door leading to the bar Malone paused, one hand resting on the knob. He had seen a certain shade of blonde hair among the heads at the bar. Of course there might be other women in the city with hair that particular pale gold, but he wasn’t taking any chances. Suddenly he wheeled around, took Jake by the arm, and started west on Chicago Avenue.
“Where the hell are you going?”
“Just remembered. Gotta make a phone call.”
“Couldn’t you make it from Rickett’s?”
“Not this call.”
At the corner drugstore he went in, bought a slug, and walked back to the phone booth. Jake, looking very dubious about the whole thing, hovered by the door to the booth. After a moment of thought, Malone had a flash of inspiration and called the weather bureau. He wanted to know if it had been snowing that afternoon.
No, it had not been snowing. The thermometer had hovered around forty-five degrees.
Then had there been any rain?
Yes, there had been one short, heavy rainfall during the afternoon.
“有了。” 马龙高兴地说。“就是那场雨。它具体是什么时候下的?”
“There.” Malone said happily. “That’s the one I mean. Exactly what time did it occur?”
It was a little while before the weather bureau reported that the rain had started falling at four-ten, rained hard for fifteen minutes, and stopped falling at about four-thirty-five.
Malone thanked the weather bureau profusely and hung up. He tried to think of someone else he might call, but inspiration refused to deliver.
Jake said in anguished exasperation, “Come on and get your damned dinner and let’s get up to Mona’s. This may not seem important to you, but it is to me.”
The little lawyer allowed himself to be led out to the sidewalk. He was just asking providence to suggest the next move, when he saw a little group of people getting into a car halfway down the street. His eye caught the gleam of electric light on pale-gold hair.
“All right, but let me eat in peace. Don’t heckle me.”
There was a chance that Rickett’s would be crowded, and it would take a long time to be waited on. It was not. They had barely reached the table before a waitress appeared.
“Three double ryes,” Malone said. “I mean two triple ryes. Anyway, hurry.”
The girl fled toward the bar.
Jake said crossly, “I thought you wanted food.”
“我要,” 马龙向他保证。“酒精也是一种食物。你知道一个人完全靠酒精能维持多久吗?”
“I do,” Malone assured him. “Alcohol is a food. Do you know how long it’s possible for a human being to exist entirely on alcohol?”
“不知道,” 杰克说。“总有人在我有机会弄清楚之前就把我弄清醒了。但你说你还没吃晚饭。你说过……”
“No,” Jake said. “Someone always sobered me up before I had a chance to find out. But you said you hadn’t had any dinner. You said—”
“没错,” 马龙赶紧说,想起来了。他看了看菜单,发现一种特制牛排要三十分钟才能做好,女孩回来的时候他就点了这个。“等一下。” 他一口气喝下那杯黑麦威士忌,把杯子递给她,说:“先把这个倒满。这是紧急情况。”
“That’s right,” Malone said hastily, remembering. He looked over the menu, found a special steak that took thirty minutes to prepare, and ordered it when the girl returned. “Wait a minute.” He downed the rye in one shuddering gulp, handed her the glass and said, “Fill this up first. It’s an emergency.”
It was just a matter of using up time, now.
Jake sat silent, watching the little lawyer anxiously. There was something about his behavior that didn’t seem quite normal.
Eventually the steak arrived. Malone glared at it. “I said well done.”
“你非常明确地说要三分熟的。” 女孩告诉他。
“You very positively said rare,” the girl told him.
马龙皱着眉头看着她,用叉子戳了刺牛排,把它举起来,露出一条宽宽的鲜红的条纹。“这叫三分熟?这甚至能叫熟了吗?” 他厌恶地把牛排扔下去。“该死,我见过伤得比这还重的牛都能康复。”
Malone scowled at her, poked a fork into the steak and lifted it up so that a broad stripe of scarlet showed. “Call this rare? Call this even cooked?” He flopped it down disgustedly. “Damn it, the steers hurt worse than this, and get well.”
The waitress drew a long breath. “Do you wish me to take it back, sir?”
“给我拿一份全熟的来,” 律师坚定地说。“我说全熟,是要煎得脆脆的。”
“Bring it to me well done,” the lawyer said firmly. “And when I say well done, it means crisp.”
She stared at him and picked up the steak.
“And bring another rye while I’m waiting.”
Jake leaned across the table, his face wrinkled with anxiety. “Malone, how have you been feeling lately?”
“我这辈子从没感觉这么好过。” 马龙向他保证。
“Never felt better in my life,” Malone assured him.
Jake opened his mouth and closed it again.
The steak returned at last. Malone eyed it distastefully. Rickett’s evidently didn’t want anyone to go away hungry. He thought regretfully of the corned beef he had shared earlier in the evening with von Flanagan, the corned beef and fried potatoes and apple pie, and sighed regretfully.
“你刚才说什么了吗?” 杰克问。
“Did you say something?” Jake asked.
“I said if we starve to death, it won’t + 断句不一致,已修正为 “I said if we starve to death, it won’t be for lack of food.”
Thirty minutes later he had consumed exactly three square inches of the steak. Then he pushed the plate away from him and shook his head. The cause of true love was a good one, and deserved great self-sacrifice, but he was damned if he could manage another mouthful.